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Drama Movement Therapist

My passion is for self development using creativity.

My sessions are open to explore feelings and difficulties that are a concern for you, help you to become unstuck and become more open to change and exploring new ways of being.

Together we will work with the choice of creative tools that I have to offer; stories, percussion instruments, poetry, sounds, voice, and object relational therapy. If you choose to only talk that’s fine too - whatever is comfortable for you. 

There will be no judgements but acceptance for what you bring to the session. 


 The sessions can take place at my home, a shared space or in your own environment. The important thing is that space feels right for you.

Sessions can be individual or you may want to work within a group... 

'Sylvie is a brave and sensitive practitioner who has much to offer the field. She has a rich supply of creative and therapeutic resources which will enable you to fulfil your potential and allow for deeply satisfying experiences in clinical practise.'

Jo James (Sesame Course Leader)

Therapy Sessions

Influences And theory In my practise include... 



Marion Lindvist founder of the Sesame Approach  drama and movement therapy.


Person centred approach Carl Rogers. 


Peter Slade - Child drama.


Carl Gustav Jung -

Symbols, dreams and Archetypes.


James Hillman - Myths and Legends. 


Audrey Wetherd - Dance and movement in Dramatherapy 


Winnicott  - Object relations.


Rudolf Laban Movement and dance. 


Mary Smail, Patt Watts and Jenny Pearson, Drama therapy with Myth and fairy tales For all ages. 

I have attended two of Sylvie's sessions and have been surprised to see usually reserved, inhibited people, break into smiles, clap and even sing. They are enabled by the group - who appear to have a rapport not previously noticed.
One can only expect Sylvie to be the catalyst!

Steve Goodlad - Assistant Manager




Sylvie Wilson

Tel: 07758 26 53 51

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